Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Health Benefits of Exercise Essay -- Healthy Lifestyle Essay

Everyone in America these eld seems to be concerned with their physical seaworthiness, and everyones talking about acquiring in shape, besides the numbers dont lie. In 1980, 25 percent of adults in this state of matter were everyplaceweight a staggering amount, but the numbers have increased to 34 percent today (Shape 1). approximately people attribute this fact to America also being the richest country in the world with very few people actually release hungry. However, the overweight problem in America is not except a product of eating too much, but this goes open in hand with not getting enough cause to burn off those unwished-for pounds. Talk about getting in shape is all over books, magazines, TV shows, bare-assspaper articles and celebrity videos that are all centered near fitness and exercise. I think everyone would agree that exercise and physical fitness are a very important part of our lives, ...but the truth is to the highest degree adult Americans do not exer cise on a stock basis. And yet, to feel good, look our best and live longer, fuller lives, regular exercise is a must (Exercise Your Way 1). Many people start the new year with new health club memberships, new exercise equipment and a lot of enthusiasm about losing weight, toning muscles, and improving aerobic endurance. But or so of these people will be back to their old habits by Valentines Day. The new exercise equipment will be used as a clothes rack, the health club membership will have lapsed and the new running shoes will be used only for running to the store (Stick 1). The problem is that people have too some excuses not to exercise, and not enough reasons to want to exercise. The solution to this problem is simple. We must, as a society, get ourselves informed of the benefits of exercise, and then... ...tor. 17 April, 1997. Go To (March 1997).Jackson, Jeanne M.. The Relationship amongst Physical Fitness Levels and Self Concept in College Males/Females. Health, Physical rearing and Recreation Microcard Publications. 1980, Northeastern Missouri State University FICHE 3766.Making a Commitment. Netscape Navigator. 16 April 1997. Go To (April 1997).Norton, Cindy. Student Purposes for Engaging in Fitness Activities. University of Oregon Microform Publications. 1995,College of humankind Development FICHE 5124.Shape Up America General Information. Netscape Navigator. 17 April, 1997. Go To (March 1997).Stick to Your Fitness Program. Netscape Navigator. 16 April, 1997. Go To (April 9, 1997).Stress Management. Netscape Navigator. 16 April, 1997. Go To (April 1997).Walking is Good. Netscape Navigator. 16 April, 1997. Go To (April 9, 1997).

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