Sunday, February 10, 2019

Create a Monster :: Essays Papers

Create a MonsterAs a return of his own society, Stupi was raised to his horrible fate at Georgia. He sensation day snapped and went on a killing pass of all the non-management study league for he entangle that they were smarter than he. Because of his inferior intellect he perpetually felt below the engineers and this inferiority was the case of his psychological breakdown.He grew up in the rich part of town so his parents had to send him to the best mystical school around. The only trouble was that he did not have the header capacity that he needed to succeed at that school. He was perpetually one level below everyone else. This always messed with his mind because his name was always on the bottom of the list and everyone teased him about this. Stupi neer reconcile in with anybody. He parents kept pushing him and pushing him to succeed and he was always letting them down and this scarred his mind. Stupi just was not cut of meat out for the work that the top private scho ol in the convey offered.Stupis parents still thought that he should go to a cheeseparing school and learn with the rest of the smart people. Well his parents chose Georgia, even though he wanted to go to UCF with the rest of his friends. While he visited he found some friends who he would hang out with. He didnt even think it was that bad until he started to see how smart a lot of the people were. Stupi had to drop out of his industrial engineering major because it was too hard for him. When his friends were making good grades, he was always at the bottom just trying to look to the light for some help. It was never there. His friends started to realize his inferior intellect and casually stopped seeing him. At this point Stupi realized that he just couldnt take it anymore. He went to someones room and grabbed his club and went on a mass-murdering spree of all those who were smarter than he. He would pound people until they were dead and then instill on to the next one in a massi ve jib of rage.

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